Helpful Websites
Consumer related:
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) offers personal financing new and tips in their monthly newsletter:
Are you wondering if your bank deposits are insured? This FDIC's Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE) helps determine if you have adequate insurance coverage of your money:
The FDIC also offers consumer protection information including cyber security awareness and how to guard against identity theft:
The Federal Trade Commission can help you to report and recover from identity theft. Their dedicated site has streamlined checklists and sample letters to guide you through the recovery process:
If you have observed a scam or been the victim of a scam, spam or fraud and want to report it for enforcement, this site has links and resources you may need:
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Blog has up-to-date posts helping people to stay informed. link to help with tight budgeting:
The Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC) developed MyMoney.com to promote financial literacy and educate consumers to make independent financial decisions and build financial resilience.
Business related:
This IRS website gives information about small business and the self-employed:
This website from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts gives business people all kinds of information about business in Texas:
The U.S. Small Business Administration website is a resource for small businesses:
The U.S. SBA can provide financial assistance resources at this site:
Any business with questions about workforce and employment issues can go to the Texas Workforce Commission website:
Local and State Government websites helpful in financial matters.
Need a federal government form? Go to this U.S. Government website:
The Social Security Administration website gives you much information about benefits:
For information about U.S. Savings Bonds:
Access The Federal Reserve Bank's personal financial education topics and resources:
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council gives you access to the performances of state banks:
If you have questions, or need assistance about state banks, go to the Texas Department of Banking website::
This website from the Federal Trade Commission helps you be safe, secure and responsible online:
On Guard Online
You can inquire about the State of Texas Legislature online:
Find information about state taxes from the website of the Texas Secretary of State:
Check out businesses at the Better Business Bureau—Fort Worth:
The Tarrant County Tax Assessor Collector website can answer your local tax questions: